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SEAS / DTC conference dinner

25 Jun 2008 . tech . Comments #seas #dtc

Last night was the conference dinner, and before you ask, yes I feel that today. It was held in an old church in Edinburgh called Mansfield Traquair, which is a really beautiful old building that has been refurbished into a social venue.

We started out with a “wee” glass of champagne as the Scots would say, and then were guided to our tables in the main hall of the church. The food was excellent and the wine was good, but I must say that the entertainment was not quite my cup of tea, with musical numbers between each course performed by “Stars of the West End”. Mind you, they were all great performers, but I’m not very keen on all those musical songs. They even managed to mangle Queen’s “We are the champions” at the end…

Fortunately, due to great company at the table by Simon Roberts and others, the evening was not a total loss. Thanks guys.