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Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) is a carismatic speaker. He is clear and consise in his descriptions and entertaining in his presentations. I’ve obtained an electronic version of his talk and can provide this to those who are interessted. Just send me an email.
The talk was split into two parts. The first half of the day uncle Bob spent going thorough the different principles and practices of agile development. In the second half, Dave Thomas talked about the management view. If you don’t know Dave Thomas (not the pragmatic programmer), he is the one who managed the Eclipse project starting with IBM Visual Age, so you know he knows a thing or two about scaling agile development.
Bob started off by talking about measurements, under the banner in order to manage we need data. I’m a little embarrased to say that this surprised me, because that means that I have bought into the misconceptions that is going around about agile development that it lacks dicipline. Bob uses story points (or function points) to measure what a team can perform in a week, and then accompany this with a chart showing the remaining function points. With this you can estimate your delivery date. We’ll come back to how he comes up with these function points.
He then went on to talk about the fact that in most projects the delivery date is what is fixed earliest, and the requirements never are and never should be.
The problem with the waterfall and other document centric approaches (apart its history) is that it lets you spend a lot of time in the start of the project without producing tangible results. Yes, a requirments document is tangible and sometimes even helpful, but if you spend the first seven months of a project doing requirements and only have three left for implementation it will fail no matter how good the implementation team is. The problem is really that there is no way to determine if a requirements document is done, or when a design document is done. It is however no problem to define when an implementation is done, and hence the problems in the end. Also the practice of putting in the quality at the end is doomed since you rearly have time to do a good job when the implementation fase slips.
He then proceeded to talk about agile development and the different practices or principles in it. Now I don’t want this blog entry to turn into a tutorial on agile development, so please follow the link above for an overview of agile development ala Robert Martin.
Finally, Bob, did a programming excercise to show test driven development. He set out to write a bowling scoring game (from his book). The point of the excercise was to show that you will arrive at a different and simpler solution that with up-front design. First we did a collaborative design and arrived at classes like Game, Frame, Roll, and Tenth Frame (to handle the special 3 roll possibility of the last frame). Bob then starts from scratch with TDD approach. Simple creation test for Game, first test case all rolls scoring zero (gutter game), nest test all rolls scoring 1, next test one spare, next test one strike and final test all strikes. This produces one class Game with two methods roll(), which registeres the pins taken down in each roll and score() which very accurately captured a clear bowling scoring algorithm. It was interessting to watch. I actually didn’t realize he had finished.
Then we had Dave Thomas come in to tell us about scaling and how to fit in with management. Basically his statement was, give them whatever you have to to keep them happy, generate requirements documents from your source or Fitness cases, generate the plan, fake it if you have to to keep them off your back. Internally teams scale into teams of teams with aggregation of the practices. This comes with the price of longer time intervals between control at the top level, so you need to be able to trust the people running the teams and that they can perform. The team structure can be evolved starting with a few people or architected from the start. Stories at the top level are broken down and divided amongst the team according to the structure. This is not so relevant to us, as we don’t have to scale that high, but some of it could be useful.
To sum up, this sessions answered a lot of questions for me personally, and I’m going to take with me these new ideas when we look at how we can take a step furter and improve the way we run IT projects.