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I have the honor and pleasure of having been asked to serve as co-technical chair for this year’s Saturn conference. This year will be the 12th annual SEI Architecture Technical User Network (SATURN) conference in San Diego, California, and I’m responsible for the program. My co-chair is Amine Chigani from GE Software, and we also have a number of experienced people from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon on the program committee.
At the moment we are in the middle of sorting through the many excellent submissions we have gotten this year, and I think this looks very promising. We hope to be ready with a program by the end of the month if everything goes well.
In addition to the submissions we will have Grady Booch from IBM/Watson, Daniel Jackson from MIT and Joe Salvo, Director of GE Global Research. There are also some excellent invited speakers, so this promises to be a very good conference (if I can say so myself). I have been attending this conference for the last couple of years, and have very much enjoyed the people and sessions. I have met many interesting people here, and certainly learned a lot.
Hope to see you in San Diego this year.